Tell me the truth about love

Concept and staging
with Klaus Bertisch

Delft Chamber Music Festival

Lijm & Cultuur, Delft

Arias and songs by Britten, Wagner, Poulenc and Schubert
Instrumental music by De Falla, Beethoven, Franck and Szymanowski
complemented with texts from Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, Abélard and Héloïse and Brokeback Mountain.

Everybody has been in love at least once in their live and has their own views on love. Every neighbour, philosopher, hairdresser, intellectual, brunette, ex-relation and many others think they know the truth about love. But can we even speak of truth when discussing love? It has been attempted to understand this phenomenon by thinking about it, by discovering it or by recording it. This happened through song, dance, literature, classical and modern music. Even the Greek philosopher Plato has written an entire discussion and argument about the phenomenon ‘love’ in his famous Dialogues. It seems that every individual will find the essence of love elsewhere.

The show Tell me the truth about love will not attempt to find an answer to the mystery of love, but rather wants to combine many artforms that have concerned themselves with the phenomenon love. Hoping to come close to at least ‘a’ truth. Everyone tells its own story about love, and everyone finds a different truth. The audience will therefore encounter happy and unhappy lovers; famous and unknown couples. Old views on love with meet newer ones, and the audience will be brought to a potential Utopia.

Rosanne van Sandwijk (mezzosoprano)
Peter Gijsbertsen (tenor)
Nick Deroo (mime)
Judy Lijdsman (actress)
Eva Layla Schipper (actress)
Rick Witteveen (actor)
Adam Walker (flute)
Aleksandar Madžar (piano)
Kyrill Zlotnikov (cello)
Liza Ferschtman (violin)
Martin Roscoe (piano)
Sivan Magen (harp)
Tianwa Yang (violin)
Wen Xiao Zheng (viola)